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(The number in brackets indicates the year the staff member began teaching at RUPP .)

Head of Department:

Mr. Ly Srouch (1990): B.Sc. (Mathematics), RUPP , 1989; M.A. (Mathematics), Kamarak University (Phnom Penh), 2007.

Deputy Heads of Department:

Mr. Uy Chanravuth (1986): B.Sc. (Mathematics), RUPP , 1985.

Mr. Chhim Meng (1990): B.Sc. (Mathematics), RUPP , 1989; M.B.A., Phnom Penh International University, 2007.

Faculty Members:

Mr. Chea Sophal (1989): B.Sc. (Mathematics), RUPP , 1989.

Mr. Ngov Simrong (1994): M.Sc. (Mathematics), Daghestan University (Russia), 1993.

Mr. Lim Sokly (1996): B.Sc. (Mathematics), RUPP , 1995; Certificate of Pedagogy (Mathematics), National Institute of Education (Phnom Penh), 1996; M.Nat.Sci. (Mathematics), Arizona State University (USA), 2001.

Mr. Hun Touch (1996): B.Sc. (Mathematics), RUPP , 1995; Certificate of Pedagogy (Mathematics), National Institute of Education (Phnom Penh), 1996; M.Sc. (Statistics), Michigan States University (USA), 2003.

Mr. Sao Sovanna (1996): B.Sc. (Mathematics), RUPP , 1995; Certificate of Pedagogy (Mathematics), National Institute of Education , (Phnom Penh), 1996.

Mr. Ly ThachSem (1996): B.Sc. (Mathematics), RUPP , 1995; Certificate of Pedagogy (Mathematics), National Institute of Education (Phnom Penh), 1996.

Dr. Seam Ngonn (2001): B.Sc. (Mathematics), RUPP , 2000; Certificate of Pedagogy (Mathematics), National Institute of Education (Phnom Penh), 2001; M.A. (Applied Mathematics), University of Pau (France) 2006.Ph.D . (Applied Mathematics), University of Pau (France) 2010.

Mr. Asley Evans (1993): M.A. (Mathematics), Dublin University (Ireland), 1986.

Mr. MaukPheakdei (2005): B.Sc. (Mathematics), RUPP , 2001; Certificate of Pedagogy (Mathematics), National Institute of Education (Phnom Penh), 2002; M.Sc. (Operational Research), University of Delhi (India), 2005.

Mr. HengPorhorn (2008): B.Sc. (Mathematics), RUPP , 2003; Certificate of Pedagogy (Mathematics), National Institute of Education (Phnom Penh), 2004; M.Sc. (Mathematics), Royal Academy of Cambodia , 2006.

Mr. Chan Vithou (2008): B.Sc. (Mathematics), RUPP , 2003; Certificate of Pedagogy (Mathematics), National Institute of Education (Phnom Penh), 2004; M.Sc. (Mathematics), RUPP , 2010.

Mr. Sok Line (2008): B.Sc. (Mathematics), RUPP , 2003; Certificate of Pedagogy (Mathematics), National Institute of Education (Phnom Penh), 2004; M.Sc. (Discrete Mathematics and Fundamental of Computer Science), University of Aix-Marseille II (France), 2008.

Mr. Ham Karim (2010): B.Sc. (Mathematics), RUPP , 2002; Certificate of Pedagogy (Mathematics), National Institute of Education (Phnom Penh), 2003; M.Sc. (Mathematics), Royal Academy of Cambodia, 2006.

Dr. Hun Kanal (2011): B.Sc. (Mathematics), RUPP, 2005; M.Sc. (Analysis Mathematics and Applications), François Rabelais University (France), 2009; Ph.D (Computer Science), University of Caen (France), 2014

Mr. Mam Mareth (2011): B.Sc. (Mathematics), RUPP , 2008; Certificate of Pedagogy (Mathematics), National Institute of Education (Phnom Penh), 2009; M.Sc. (Mathematics), RUPP , 2010.

Visiting Professor:

Mr.SuonSovann (1980): B.Sc. (Mathematics), RUPP , 1974.

Mr. Kao Muysan (1996): B.Sc. (Mathematics), RUPP , 1995; Certificate of Pedagogy (Mathematics), National Institute of Education (Phnom Penh), 1996; M.A. (Mathematics), Royal Academy of Cambodia , 2002; M.A. (Mathematics), University of Pau (France), 2005.

Mr. Hak Sokheng (1988): B.Sc. (Mathematics), RUPP , 1989; M.A. (Mathematics), Royal Academy of Cambodia , 2002.

Contact Info

Head of Department:

Mr. Ly Srouch
Tel: (855) 12-875-057
Email: mathematics.info(at)rupp.edu.kh
Office Room: # 312B, Campus I

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