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The M.A. in Tourism and Resource Management provides candidates with international best practice skills development to educate future tourism and resource management professionals and leaders. With a strong emphasis on building knowledge of industry dynamics, best practices of cultural and natural resource management, work practices and research, the Master’s will enable candidates to play a pivotal role in the development of Cambodia as a leading sustainable tourism destination worldwide.

Program Feature and Uniqueness

The M.A. in TRM has been developed to provide candidates with the necessary professional skills required to ensure Cambodia develops into a world class tourism destination that leads on best practice for sustainable development internationally. Teaching is provided by Cambodian and international academic and industry professionals, from multi-sectoral backgrounds, with considerable input from leading private sector, NGO and government professionals.

The full Master’s comprises 54 credits for a part time study of 4 semesters. Units are designed independently so they may be taken as certificated continuous professional development courses for industry professionals.

Professional Development

The Master’s Programme has a strong emphasis on professional development: Teaching focuses upon the integration of theories and practice to provide industry standard skills enabling candidates to implement learning into their future careers.

In-depth Education

Tourism is a wide industry, covering a diverse and ever developing range of sectors. The M.A. TRM programme puts special emphasis on providing candidates with in-depth education that matches both the industry and the individual career goals of each candidate.

Industry Partnership

The Master’s Programme has considerable input from leading industry providers both in Cambodia and internationally. The course is designed to provide industry professionals and future leaders, thus industry input in both course design and delivery presents candidates with unique opportunities in their skills development and future career development.

Potential Employment

The M.A. in TRM at DoT-RUPP aims to prepare candidates for leading management positions in the Cambodian tourism industry and beyond. This includes occupations in:

  • Tourism education institutions
  • Hotels and other key accommodation industries
  • Tour operations and travel agencies
  • Airlines and other key transport industries
  • Tourist resorts
  • Tourism associations / communities
  • Government ministries and line departments
  • Non-government organizations
  • Development research institutions
  • Self-employment and self-development enterprises

Contact Info

Program Director:

Dr. Rith Sam Ol

Program Officer

Mr. Saut Moeun
Tel: (855) 16 635 563/16 909 623
Room 108, Main Campus (Building A), Russian Confederation Boulevard, Royal University of Phnom Penh (RUPP)

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